Dr. Limame BARBOUCHI holds a PhD degree (2014) in “Pedagogy of Culture, Culture of Pedagogy” and an MA degree in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies (2010) both from Mohamed Premier University, and a B.A degree in English studies (2007) from Faculty of letters and humanities Dhar Mahraz in Fes, and a 2-year diploma of general university studies (D.E.U.G) in English language and literature (2003) from Ibn Zohr university in Agadir. He currently works as an assistant professor of English for Specific Purposes at Laayoune Higher School of Technology, a business school affiliated to Ibn Zohr university in Agadir. He has taught different subjects at different academic settings. As a researcher, he is an active member of Cultural Studies Unit of Oujda Center for Human and Social Studies and Researches. He is a member of the research laboratory of Values, Society and Development of Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Agadir. He has authored, co-authored and co-edited articles and book chapters about topics related to colonial and postcolonial discourse and literature and English for Specific Purposes. He is the author of the book Beyond the Crisis of the Arab Literary Criticism: Towards an Arab Post-colonial Criticism (Published online in 2015). Some of his published articles include:
- Barbouchi, Limame, “What Happens when a Teacher with a Background in Literature Teaches ESP: A Case for Using Literature in Teaching ESP to Business Management Students” in English for Specific Purposes: A Reader, (eds) Mohamed Guamguami et al. Egypt: Dar Al Maha, 2017: pp 145-170.
- Elmaghnouji, N. & Barbouchi, L. (April 2017), “Intercultural Translation within Globalization: Re-reading Paul Bowles’s Translations of Moroccan Culture in the Contact Zone of Tangier (1950s – 1970s) in Turjuman: Journal of Translation Studies, Vol 26 N° 1, pp.117-144,. Tangier: Fahd School of Translation Press
- Barbouchi, limame (2016). “Lest Islamic Feminism Reproduces Manichean Allegories: Gendered Conceptual Binary Opposition Taken for Wonder” in Islamic Feminism in North Africa, (eds.) Bouchra Belgaid et al. Oujda: ALAMIA ELECTRO,: pp. 113-125.
- Barbouchi, L. (2015), “The Origins of the Concept of Society in Arabic, English, and French Language”in Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23 (6): 1137-1144, IDOSI Publications (ISSN 1990-9233).
- Barbouchi, L. (2015), “Power of Language, Language of Power: An Analysis of the Im/possibilities of African Unity through An African Standardized Regional Language” in Journal of Horizons in Humanities and Social Sciences. V1, (1), pp.88-101, UAE: University of Arab United Emirates Press.
- Barbouchi, L. (2015) “The Space between the Author and the Text Re-Taken for Wonder: Mohamed Dellal and his The Homecoming as a Case Study” in Spaces on the Move and Obliteration of Identities: Rebirth of Space and Identity. Tugba Aydin et al (Eds.). Ankara: Siyasal Yayinevi, p. 460.Dr. Limame BARBOUCHI holds a PhD degree (2014) in “Pedagogy of Culture, Culture of Pedagogy” and an MA degree in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies (2010) both from Mohamed Premier University, and a B.A degree in English studies (2007) from Faculty of letters and humanities Dhar Mahraz in Fes, and a 2-year diploma of general university studies (D.E.U.G) in English language and literature (2003) from Ibn Zohr university in Agadir. He currently works as an assistant professor of English for Specific Purposes at Laayoune Higher School of Technology, a business school affiliated to Ibn Zohr university in Agadir. He has taught different subjects at different academic settings. As a researcher, he is an active member of Cultural Studies Unit of Oujda Center for Human and Social Studies and Researches. He is a member of the research laboratory of Values, Society and Development of Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Agadir. He has authored, co-authored and co-edited articles and book chapters about topics related to colonial and postcolonial discourse and literature and English for Specific Purposes. He is the author of the book Beyond the Crisis of the Arab Literary Criticism: Towards an Arab Post-colonial Criticism (Published online in 2015). Some of his published articles include:
- Barbouchi, Limame, “What Happens when a Teacher with a Background in Literature Teaches ESP: A Case for Using Literature in Teaching ESP to Business Management Students” in English for Specific Purposes: A Reader, (eds) Mohamed Guamguami et al. Egypt: Dar Al Maha, 2017: pp 145-170.
- Elmaghnouji, N. & Barbouchi, L. (April 2017), “Intercultural Translation within Globalization: Re-reading Paul Bowles’s Translations of Moroccan Culture in the Contact Zone of Tangier (1950s – 1970s) in Turjuman: Journal of Translation Studies, Vol 26 N° 1, pp.117-144,. Tangier: Fahd School of Translation Press
- Barbouchi, limame (2016). “Lest Islamic Feminism Reproduces Manichean Allegories: Gendered Conceptual Binary Opposition Taken for Wonder” in Islamic Feminism in North Africa, (eds.) Bouchra Belgaid et al. Oujda: ALAMIA ELECTRO,: pp. 113-125.
- Barbouchi, L. (2015), “The Origins of the Concept of Society in Arabic, English, and French Language”in Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23 (6): 1137-1144, IDOSI Publications (ISSN 1990-9233).
- Barbouchi, L. (2015), “Power of Language, Language of Power: An Analysis of the Im/possibilities of African Unity through An African Standardized Regional Language” in Journal of Horizons in Humanities and Social Sciences. V1, (1), pp.88-101, UAE: University of Arab United Emirates Press.
- Barbouchi, L. (2015) “The Space between the Author and the Text Re-Taken for Wonder: Mohamed Dellal and his The Homecoming as a Case Study” in Spaces on the Move and Obliteration of Identities: Rebirth of Space and Identity. Tugba Aydin et al (Eds.). Ankara: Siyasal Yayinevi, p. 460.